Portugal attracts 3.5 billion to handle the data of the “BIG4 Facebook, Google, Amazon, Microsoft”, and many others of IT with one of the largest mega data centers! Presented this Friday the 23rd of April by Start Campus. The "Sines 4.0 hyperscale data center" will have an extraordinary capacity of up to 450 megawatts (MW), which will make it one of the largest data centers in Europe and put Portugal on the roadmap of the largest international IT companies. This mega center is... 25 Apr 2021 2 min reading Presented this Friday the 23rd of April by Start Campus. The "Sines 4.0 hyperscale data center" will have an extraordinary capacity of up to 450 megawatts (MW), which will make it one of the largest data centers in Europe and put Portugal on the roadmap of the largest international IT companies. This mega center is intended to respond to demand for streaming technology, data processing and storage, social networking companies and applications. Sines 4.0 will thus bring Portugal to the center of the European data network, with the creation of 1200 highly qualified technological jobs in the areas of networks and information technologies. It is common opinion of investors and other IT entrepreneurs that this mega center and other projects will contribute to place Portugal definitively as a central data hub and the first Transatlantic Connectivity choice for all between the European, American and African continent. Many are unaware that our strategy position at the end of Europe and its direct and primary connection to the submarine cables Ellalink (Portugal <-> South America), Equiano (Portugal <-> South Africa) and 2Africa (Africa and the Middle East -> Portugal -> Europe), make Portugal the First Gateway and exit of data for all these continents. Portugal also has many more factors that attract investment of this nature, sustainability by the large percentage of energy production through renewable energies. The unoccupied territorial space that can design projects on a large scale and with dimensions that in other countries due to their population density would not be possible today. And "last but not least" our ability to adapt to new scenarios such as digitalization and the necessary ability to train citizens in our excellent universities for this purpose. Author: Paulo Lopes Images: LUSA Share article FacebookXPinterestWhatsAppCopy link Link copiado