12 steps to sell your house When we think about selling our house, several thoughts haunt us. The first, and perhaps the most difficult to overcome, is to weigh the emotional side of our home, after all, it was our first home or where we saw our son grow up; where we lived all those family moments: the best and the not so good ones. Another thought... 28 Apr 2020 4 min reading https://www.casaiberia.com/blog/casaiberia-documentos-vender-a-casa-escritura-521 ) Should I contact a real estate agent? What can I do to make the house more attractive? In this article, I give you 12 simple and creative tips to make the selling of your house is as simple as possible, free of worries and in a fair amount of time. Shall we do it? 1 - Decide if you are really ready to sell This is one of the most important points, it is the starting point and the moment when you really decide to sell your house. In this case, it is not only your house that must be prepared to sell, first of all you have to prepare yourself. Getting emotionally, mentally and physically detached from the house can be a very difficult process, but once you make the decision, everything will be easier. Focus and put your energy into what your new home will be like. 2 – Turn it into neutral ground This is the moment when you really get down to business and start working on your home to receive the much desired buyers. Start by removing all the frames with pictures of you and your family. We don´t want the buyer to be distracted by that picture of you on the beach or at dinner with friends. Other personal items, such as fridge magnets or your degree, should be removed. The focus of the buyer will have to be your home. Keep everything in boxes, well packed and put in the garage, or ask a relative with some extra space to keep them away... be creative. By removing these objects, you will add space to your home and make it lighter, and that is precisely what we want. 3 - Arrange the room We will now devote ourselves to tidying up. The goal is to keep taking everything we don´t need. Start by packing some pieces you don´t need and that you can live without for a few months. For example, that stool in the lobby, the hallway table, children or pets’ toys Arrange closet drawers and wardrobes, remove as many objects from balconies, window sills, tables and also remove that beach umbrella that has been behind the door since last summer. This way you create more space, make the house more appealing to others and help buyers to imagine their own furniture and objects in the property. Less is definitely more! 4 - Hide valuable objects Art, Jewellery, all objects that are of value must be stored and placed out of reach. We do not want the potential buyer to be distracted from contemplating these objects and, as the old saying goes: "Better Safe than Sorry!". Be careful. 5 - Renew Your house screams 1985? Here everything depends on you and whether you are willing to spend some money on renovation and add value to the property. If not, opt for some little works. Do a detailed survey of the house and detect small problems, such as faulty light bulbs and switches, blinds that do not close completely, loose cables and skirting boards, damaged doors and locks, to name but a few. No buyer will go ahead and buy na uncared house and a lot of work and expenses in sight. A house that is not very presentable may arise thoughts such as:: "what else could be broken? 6 - Paint Finally, get rid of that red wall from your room and paint the entire house in neutral colours. Even if they are boring colours to you, they may not be for the buyers, and by having a neutral colour you can paint it any color you want, maybe green. What you want is for buyers, when they first see your home, whether physically or online, to feel that they are seeing their future home. After these 6 steps, let me congratulate you because you are doing a great job! In the meantime, take a look at our website www.casaiberia.com and start looking for your new home. What do you recon? In the next article, I´ll present you the remaining tips to complete the presentation of your property before putting it on the market. Until then, have a great day! Texto: João Molha Sources: Realtor/Trulia Picture: of Merio by Pixabay, Igor Schubin by Pixabay, Jesse Bridgewater by Pixabay Share article FacebookXPinterestWhatsAppCopy link Link copiado