What factors normally influence the price of real estate and what should be taken into account before selling! Pre-evaluation is not always necessary, nowadays there are many ways to get data online. But a professional´s experience is certainly always a way to go. Note that the good real estate agent is usually the one who starts with a conservative rating and not the one with the highest rating. Most of the time, these second... 30 May 2021 1 min reading https://www.casaiberia.com/blog/imovel-vender-o-meu-imovel-venda-de-imovel-em-portugal-imobiliario-mercadoimobiliario-venda-particular-casaiberiarealestate-623 can help you in selling your house in the future. Author: Paulo Lopes Share article FacebookXPinterestWhatsAppCopy link Link copiado