Which technologies will affect us the most in the next decade? Here are the 25 most important technology tips that we believe will define the next decade. Technology is increasingly in everyone´s focus and interest, but where will it lead us? And Portugal, can´t we be one of the engines of innovation? 16 Sep 2020 7 min reading Big Data and Augmented Analytics Big data is the exponential growth of the huge amounts of data generated by everyone around the world and every day. And Augmented Analytics (Automated Data Analysis) can read and digest this huge amount of data and converts it into concrete commands or recommendations. From there, we opt for information on extremely complex and diverse data flows and we can use digital information to our advantage. Internet of Things (IoT) The Internet of Things is the name given to smart devices that communicate with each other over the Internet. From smartphones to smart coffee machines and toasters. The mission of these devices is to continuously collect and forward data to provide us with better services, further driving the growth of big data and AI. Wearables and cyborgs Portable, miniature-format computers that we use in the body that increase our human capacity and promote a lifestyle that is supposed to be healthier, safer and more efficient by monitoring our body data in real time. Already today, and no longer only in Hollywood movies as a future scenario, cyborgs have been the fusion of human people and technology that may turn out to be a kind of "optimized people" or "trans human gone". Smart urban spaces and smart cities It belongs to the IoT division and is the concept of connecting entire cities and their urban spaces through digital innovations, making them technologically more advanced and efficient, i.e. #smarter, like the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, which is completely autonomously controlled and thus operated and optimized efficiently in terms of energy consumption. Blockchains and Distributed Books Technological data on so-called blockchains are current data blocks in different places like decentralized account books. Therefore, this is a secure and new way to store, authenticate, and protect data. It has great potential and will revolutionize many aspects of the business and turn it into the most important aspects of highly confidential transactions in the financial sector. Cloud computing and edge Cloud computing is when you store your own data on the computers of specialized service providers and can access it anywhere over the Internet. This allows companies and their data to be shared securely with multiple actors, so a wider range, see Teleworking. In edge computing, the next phase of development, data is not processed in a central data center, but at the "edge" of the network, at the point of its creation on local smart devices (such as smartphones). Augmented Realities At the heart of this development is virtual reality (VR), this trend of the proportion of new options for the virtual reality experience is helped by computer and includes augmented reality as well as (mixed reality). Thanks to these technologies, we can already visit homes remotely and with VR glasses. Digital Twins This is the digital copy of a solid body of an object, product, process, or ecosystem. With this new technology, it is possible to test variations and adjustments that would not be performed on the actual physical object due to the risks and costs involved. The best example comes from high-performance motorsport, where cars today are tested in the digital wind tunnel, and where digital twins drive many laps before the physical race car is built. Natural Language Processing (NLP) The processing technology of natural language machines. This technology has and is drastically changing communication and interactions between people and machines. Today, NLP algorithms can read, summarize, write, text messages for us. In the future, more and more companies will move to automate communication channels with their customers through these text-based interfaces or dialog systems, such as chatbots. Voice user interfaces (SBS) and chatbots Alexa, Siri, chatbots – for many of us, direct communication with machines is now common, for example, by entering the voice or typing in texts. In the future, more and more companies will move to automate communication channels with their customers through these text-based interfaces or dialog systems, such as chatbots. Computer Vision and Facial Recognition The machines can talk so you can see too! This technology gives machines the ability to visually process, analyze and interpret the world around them, with facial recognition being a particularly illustrative example. Robôs e Robótica Os robôs de hoje são mais espertos do que nunca, aprenderam a compreender o ambiente e a fazer as suas tarefas por si mesmos. Em algumas áreas, é provável que o futuro do trabalho se baseie numa colaboração perfeita entre humanos e seus colegas de máquinas, como os robôs que trabalham em hospitais e comandam em algumas tarefas, como a eliminação de bombas nas forças especiais. Autonomous vehicles In the following decade, vehicles of all kinds, such as passenger cars, taxis, lorries and even ships, will be fully automated, without human intervention, capable of driving and being commercially usable. 15th 5G This gives us faster, smarter and more stable use of wireless networks. As a result, many of the main trends continue to be driven. Genomics and Genome Editing Advances in data processing and data analysis have ensured that today we have a detailed understanding of human genetic material and can manipulate it to our benefit. Today, we can change the genetic structure of living organisms with targeted interventions, such as correcting DNA mutations that lead to carcinogenic diseases. Co-creativity and enhanced design Thanks to artificial intelligence, machines are now able to perform more complex activities than they were 10 years ago. This also allows them to gain a firm standing position in creative areas such as art and design. Therefore, development processes are even more likely to change towards closer cooperation between humans and machines. Digital platforms Social networks, apps, streaming and online platforms that simplify our lives and are available from our smartphone with one click. They are networks that facilitate interpersonal contact and day-to-day exchange. This development transforms traditional business as it was thought and brings traditional companies to a realignment and introduction of platform-based business models. Drones and unmanned aerial vehicles These flying devices have changed military operations. But the influence they exert does not stop there. That is why, in addition to commercial drones, they act in firefighting, justice, transport and others, autonomous flying taxis and passenger drones will not take long to become part of the general urban landscape. Cybersecurity and Resilience As companies and government agencies in today´s world face a constant and unprecedented threat to their networks, computer systems and data. It will be increasingly necessary to ensure the self-protection capacity of companies in some way. This is one of the basic prerequisites for any entrepreneur to ensure business success over the next decade. Quantum computer Quantum computers High-performance computers that can solve seemingly insoluble problems. They will make our current computers look like the electric typewriter of the 1980s with the first Mac. But the first supercomputers (quantum computers) are already currently being used in companies that analyze climate and climate change, medicine and vaccines for simulation purposes and to accelerate development. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) RPA is the automation of structured and repetitive business processes to enable workers to achieve more complex tasks and oriented to the added value of the human hand and to make the added value of human work at the foreground. It is part of a trend that wants to automate all the repetitive activities imaginable that affect all industries. Mass customization and micro-moments Mass customization is the ability to offer large-scale products or services tailored to individual needs. This takes the "micro-moments". Micro-moments are the knowledge of how to respond to customer needs at the right time in order to create unique customer experiences. Both are reachable through technologies such as AI, big data and analytics. It is with this technology that companies like Netflix can recommend us the best movies. 3D printing and additive manufacturing In 3D printing, three-dimensional objects are constructed layer by layer, allowing companies to develop and create completely new products. Today, entire houses and human organs can already be printed in three dimensions. Research in Nanotechnology and Materials The growing ability to understand material structures and control matter on a tiny scale leads to the development of promising new materials and products such as virus-rejecting fabrics, self-repairing evidence, as well as mobile phones and foldable displays. Share article FacebookXPinterestWhatsAppCopy link Link copiado