NEWS Why do so many Germans now want to emigrate to Portugal (Part VII)? From Aveiro we should look again at why Viseu was such an important city at the time of the Portuguese kings and the emergence of Portugal and why its history is so intricately linked to the decline of the Roman Empire by the Germanic tribes and the peoples of Western Europe. The mythical figure "Viriatos", the warrior... 10 Mar 2024 3 min reading From Aveiro we should look again at why Viseu was such an important city at the time of the Portuguese kings and the emergence of Portugal and why its history is so intricately linked to the decline of the Roman Empire by the Germanic tribes and the peoples of Western Europe. The mythical figure "Viriatos", the warrior who led the Lusitanian tribes against the Romans, was at home here. Because Viseu has always been a place of strategic and commercial importance since ancient times and the traces of it are still well preserved today and await your visit. In Viseu you can visit the thermal baths of "São Pedro do Sul", as well as the mountains of the "Serra do Caramulo". Here you will find nature reserves at its finest, just waiting for a visit. The gastronomy in this region is unique, as is its wine. These delicacies can be found in the Viseu "Dão Lafões" region. It is said that in Viseu the gastronomy of the "Dão Lafões" is the "queen at the table", and the "wine of the Dão is the king ". This means as much as in Bavaria the knuckle and the wheat beer, only here in Viseu is the knuckle of veal or goat meat and the wheat beer the local wine variety. In the mountains of the central region and at an altitude of over four hundred meters are the vineyards of the protected Dão region, which produce various of the best wines in Portugal. On the way north to Porto we come close to Arouca, which still belongs to the region of Aveiro, which has already been described as the "Venice of Portugal" where MIT and others meet. Now there is another unique experience that you should visit. It is one of the highest, if not the tallest, suspension bridge in Europe. The “Passadiços do Paiva" are located on the left bank of the river Paiva and are 8 km long. You will walk through unspoilt nature, surrounded by landscapes of incomparable beauty, in an authentic natural sanctuary, next to wild waterfalls, quartz crystals and endangered flora and fauna and flora of Europe. A journey through biology, geology and archaeology that will remain in the heart, soul, and mind of every nature lover. As well as the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in the world, which follows with a span of 516 meters and 175 meters height above the river Paiva. This bridge is twenty-two meters longer than the Randa Bridge in the Swiss Alps, making it the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in the world. Speaking of records, Portugal holds the record for the smallest newspaper in the world. This is an edition of “Terra Nostra" and measures 18.27 by 25.35 mm and weighs one gram. It was published in February 2012 and is a copy of a circulation of three thousand newspapers sold at newsstands. Author: Paulo Lopes NEWS Share article FacebookXPinterestWhatsAppCopy link Link copiado