NEWS Why do so many Germans now want to emigrate to Portugal (Part X)? In Portugal they always say the north is up there (O Norte está la em cima), and that gave me the idea to see the whole thing from a different perspective and write about it. Up there, the thrill has an accent, staring you in the face and challenging your courage. The adventure begins when you drive through the deep... 11 Apr 2024 3 min reading In Portugal they always say the north is up there (O Norte está la em cima), and that gave me the idea to see the whole thing from a different perspective and write about it. Up there, the thrill has an accent, staring you in the face and challenging your courage. The adventure begins when you drive through the deep valleys, whether by motorbike or rental car, it is a unique experience. You feel like you are in Switzerland or the Black Forest, which is why we say in Portugal these are the High Areas (Terras Altas). Here you can climb or go rafting on the torrents of the region. The will to awaken courage follows you to the ocean of the Atlantic, where you, as an enthusiastic surfer, must follow the urge of freedom to dominate the waves and the wind as a sailor with complete freedom. You must visit this region if you love sports and lifestyle, because besides rafting, climbing, kite surfing, BTT and just jogging through nature, the region up there offers much more. In the north, the mountains are shrouded in mystery, but they hold no secrets. Everything is there for everyone to see. Here you will find the Peneda-Gerês National Park. It is the first national park in Portugal with wild horses and wolves, which since 1971 has distinguished the Peneda-Gerês region as an exemplary protected area in Portugal. Its territory includes the entire extensive forest area that stretches from the Serra da Peneda to the Serra do Gerês - hence the name - and includes the Serra do Soajo and the Serra Amarela. But the north offers even more! Braga and Guimarães are its secret capitals, and both contain a great treasure of Portuguese history. Braga is the religious heart of Portugal, along with Fatima. During "Semana Santa" (Holy Week), the famous Easter processions take place here. But of course, Braga also includes Bosch and is the largest unit of the group in Portugal. This Bosch site, which focuses on the development and production of multimedia solutions and vehicle sensors, is also home to teams from other mobility business units, such as Cross-Domain Computing Solutions and many others. The company exports almost all its production and is on the podium of the Portuguese companies that export the most, as well as being one of the largest employers in the Braga region. Guimarães is also an important industrial and historical site of this region and should therefore not be missed. Because Guimarães is the birthplace of Portugal. Here, many visitors come from Brazil and other countries that follow Portugal in its historical path to get a glimpse of what it was like when the first knights in Portugal accepted the fight against the barbarians and the Berbers. In addition, Guimarães was Portugal's capital and birthplace of the first Portuguese king D. Afonso Henriques in 1109 AD. Guimarães and Braga have two of the top universities in Portugal and are in tune with the needs of the new generations. There is even a German restaurant in the heart of Braga that offers pretzels and makes Portuguese dishes understandable for German visitors in the menu. Marcelo Sousa's "Pretzel Bakery" at Rua do Souto 42. NEWS Share article FacebookXPinterestWhatsAppCopy link Link copiado