Porto and the Northern Region are in the sights of investors, and may be the fastest to return to normality after the pandemic! According to the opinion of several real estate agents and real estate professionals, Porto and the North region have been able to capture in the last ten years more diversified investment and added value attracting talent to the region. 14 Dec 2020 2 min reading The Portuguese Real Estate is in vogue for foreign investors, who are aiming now various areas of the country. Porto and the entire North region, however, have attractiveness rates sometimes better than those in the Center and South. According to the opinion of several real estate agents and real estate professionals, Porto and the North region have been able to capture in the last ten years more diversified investment and added value attracting talent to the region. Just this week was published a study of the University College of Engineering of Porto, which saw how from Aveiro to Viana do Castelo and Braga have been notorious in innovation and its investment. Thus, demonstrating how Porto and other cities are differentiated, thus also leveraging real estate demand in four indicators: macroeconomic; skills (know-how), good infrastructure and quality of life. Porto has had numerous foreign investment operations and job creation, well above the national average. If we go by the comparative numbers of the city of Porto with the city of Lisbon, the new construction per square meter (m2) is 3,500 euros in Porto and about 5,800 euros in Lisbon. The average gross yield is in the order of 5.9% in Porto and between 3.9% and 4.6% in Lisbon. With the crisis, the prospects created for 2020, has gone from upside down. Because they were on their way to be the best year with growth rates never seen before. But we must be realistic because the estimates for 2020 are far below the forecasts, with a reduction in demand and sales of homes, as could not be ignored given the circumstances of limiting mobility for all, both buyer and seller. However, we believe that by overcoming the pandemic, the recovery is at an accelerated pace and that a clear trend of growth will be seen and that it will fill the loss of recent months. Author: Paulo Lopes Share article FacebookXPinterestWhatsAppCopy link Link copiado