There are good international signs for the real estate market Even confined, the French do not give up their ambition to invest in their real estate projects The end of the restraint as announced by President Francés Emanuel Macron for May 11th is already giving impulses that were mentioned and served as the basis for a study published this Tuesday 14th April by the Drimki... 15 Apr 2020 3 min reading Even confined, the French do not give up their ambition to invest in their real estate projects The end of the restraint as announced by President Francés Emanuel Macron for May 11th is already giving impulses that were mentioned and served as the basis for a study published this Tuesday 14th April by the Drimki property appraiser. Most French people do not give up on their real estate project, even during the confinement period they have maintained the idea of continuing with their ambition to invest in real estate. This is essentially what emerges from the study published and done by the Drimki property expert. In essence the study speaks of the period at the end of March, in which 15% of the French said they were committed and would not give up on a real estate project within the next twelve months. We need to know that we are talking about two percentage points less than in February, when there was 17% of French people who stated this position. But this drop in enthusiasm is relatively insignificant as to the period in which this study was done in the midst of popular confinement because of the Covid19. The study also confirms that in every six French respondents one of them has a real estate project in their drawer, or the ambition of carrying out the acquisition of a real estate asset in the next 12 months, despite the compulsory collection of the state of emergency, as Drimki summarizes in his study. It is not surprising, but in a way it is a small surprise for those who know the subject, that the executives of the real estate promoters maintain the greatest enthusiasm for the success and development of their current and future real estate projects. In fact, it seems to us as a rock category of the population whose determination remains intact, despite the period that the economy is going through. Among the French who have not abandoned their real estate investment project (interviewed this time at the end of March), 40% are buying for the first time, 19% are investors who wish to buy a property to rent it and 8% are in search of a second home. Only 5% of respondents say they want to sell a house without buying another back. Share article FacebookXPinterestWhatsAppCopy link Link copiado