Can the coronavirus change the Real Estate market? I´m not sure. According to our website and studies already published by several Real Estate portals, during the last few weeks, THERE WILL BE A CHANGE IN THE PARADIGM OF THE SEARCH FOR REAL ESTATE FOR THE... 15 May 2020 2 min reading According to our website and studies already published by several Real Estate portals, during the last few weeks, THERE WILL BE A CHANGE IN THE PARADIGM OF THE SEARCH FOR REAL ESTATE FOR THE FAMILY. The current crisis will certainly profoundly and sustainably alter the real estate projects of the Portuguese, with new purchase criteria taking into account the difficulties experienced during this period of confinement. After 2 months of confinement, some families are starting to walk in circles in apartments that are very small. With the inability to get outside, the lack of outdoor space is weighing heavily, especially with the arrival of spring. The coronavirus outbreak has also changed our perspective of what we want for our family. This period has opened our eyes to the need to live better, in more space, even if we have to change careers and location to have a better quality of life and safety for ourselves and our own. Some of the priority criteria that we think have changed are the following; a) Outer space has become one of the most important criteria. One third of those who are now looking for accommodation want it to be quiet and close to nature. For 17%, the proximity of the dwelling to the workplace has become less important in their purchasing criteria. Perhaps this is a consequence of the increase in teleworking, to which many employees are getting used; b) Indoor space is of greater importance when it comes to having space to work at home, and being able to breathe outdoors and exercise. In cramped apartments in the city, the Portuguese have a desire for a country house. Although a mass exodus from cities is unlikely in the short term, outdoor dreams are driving internet users to search for homes. Can we anticipate a massive departure from cities to the countryside after this experience? Perhaps not. For some, containment was the trigger to buy the house they had long dreamed of. For others, the containment phase may soon be forgotten and they will decide to stay put. However, there will be a large percentage of people who will wait to see if prices go down before taking a stand. Text: Paulo Lopes Picture: Nicole De Khors by Burst Share article FacebookXPinterestWhatsAppCopy link Link copiado