6 billion have been invested in urban renewal in the city of Lisbon - Casaiberia Real estate investing in Lisbon reached only in 2018 1 value record 5.92 billion euros. It´s about 13,150 property transactions that reflect the transaction of all types of real estate (buildings fractions), including the various segments (residential, commercial, services or land). 01 Apr 2019 2 min reading Investment in housing increased by 42% in Lisbon alone. The Residential investment was the main target, concentrating 84% of the transactions registered with more than 11,700 operations. Investment in housing increased by 42%, compared to 2.85 billion euros invested in 2017. Commercial real estate and services accounted for 21% in volume, also showing a positive evolution compared to 2017. The land transaction was also dynamic, moving more than 100 million euros in 2018. The Investment has expanded to all the parishes of Lisbon, starting with Avenidas Novas and Santa Maria Maior with the largest investment volume, each with a volume of transactions of approximately 750 million euros, followed by Santo António with 688.5 million euros of investment. The most representative of the investment in 2018 are Arroios with 519 million euros, Estrela 415 million euros and Freguesia da Misericórdia with 410 million euros. In total, this set of parishes accounts for 60% of the total amount transacted in the Lisbon ARU, but there is a growing dispersion of investment in more and more Lisbon areas, having doubled (from 6 to 12) the number of parishes where the investment exceeds 200 million euros. Source: Diário Imobiliário Share article FacebookXPinterestWhatsAppCopy link Link copiado